College Readiness
Rocky Mount Prep follows the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Standard Course of Study (NCDOS). We implement a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) framework, which promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices, and social-emotional learning (SEL). We focus on college and career readiness at every level from kindergarten to graduation.
Grades K–3

Our youngest scholars receive traditional, standards-based instruction that is blended with personalized, cutting-edge technology to ensure that they perform at or above grade level. Even at this early stage, scholars begin learning twenty-first century skills through the elementary school STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) program. STEM centered instruction is developed to teach them about their future, their communities, and their world.
Grades 4–5

With the introduction of AVID and the college and Career Academy program, scholars in grades four and five begin to learn college-going behaviors and explore career opportunities. We foster career interest through aligned curriculum and a partnership with Nash Community College's speaker series.
Grades 6–8

AVID courses provide scholars the opportunity to learn and practice skills in preparation for success in college. They also begin to develop leadership skills through participation in clubs and organizations designed to prepare them for the next stage of their education journey—high school. Visit our AVID page to learn more!
Grades 9–12

Rocky Mount Prep scholars enter the College and Career Academy (CCA) in the ninth grade. Here they begin studies geared toward their selected career options following one of our four tracks: Associate Degree (early college), College Credits, Career Credits, or Military Excellence.
Starting in the eleventh grade, scholars can begin earning credits from Nash Community College and North Carolina Wesleyan University. These credits may be applied towards a college degree or to prepare for a career. Scholars have the opportunity to graduate from RMP with an associate degree. Visit our CCA page to learn more!